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How to Relax Your Jaw in Two Minutes

With your tongue, touch each tooth, front & back, feeling where each tooth connects to the gum. Breathe deeply, stay aware and relaxed.

Use your tongue to massage the jaw hinge from the inside of your mouth. Take about 1 minute to do the left side of the mouth, then the right side, then rest your tongue at the bottom of your mouth.

Notice how it feels – your teeth slightly apart, the space at the roof of the mouth, tongue relaxed at the bottom of your mouth ... your jaw relaxed!


Kuttler Dental and YogaCare have partnered to create a new wellness CD

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How It Works 

This CD will guide you through basic yoga practices and affirmations to help you release tension from your jaw, neck and shoulders.

Learn a variety of techniques to help reduce stress, including emphasis on calming breath techniques, basic yoga practices to help you release stress and relax and affirmations and intentions to inspire you to live freely.


Why It Works

Millions of people suffer from jaw tension, headaches and other issues related to stress. Studies show one of the most effective ways to reduce stress is through lifestyle changes.


Who Should Use It

The CD is intended for people who clench or grind their teeth, as well as those who are aware of tight muscles in their jaw and face.  It is also beneficial for anyone having difficulty relaxing, sleeping or experiencing neck and shoulder tension.

Relieve Stress for Dental Health

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